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Workshop: Strategic Communications and the Arctic Information Environment

December 10, 2024

By registration only. Please contact Whitney Lackenbauer at or Nick Glesby at for more information.


Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022, has sent shock-waves across the Arctic, and resurgent competition between the great powers has reinforced how Russia and the other seven Arctic states are not like-minded and are engaged in competition for international legitimacy. This competition also extends to non-Arctic states, including China, which seek to shape the region in terms advantageous to them.

This workshop brings together academic and government representatives to share insights on strategic communications (StratCom) and the Arctic information environment, with a particular focus on: the strategic intent for the region articulated by Canada and its Allies, as well as competitors; specific vectors of narrative competition and adversarial influence; and options for DND/CAF to consider as part of whole-of-government and whole-of-society efforts to deter conflict and address disinformation campaigns organized by our adversaries.


9:30 – 10:00: Coffee and registration


10:00 – 10:20: Welcoming Remarks and Introduction

Whitney Lackenbauer, NAADSN

Mathieu Landriault, OPSA


10:20-10:45     P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Arctic Narratives and Political Values: Arctic States, China, NATO, and the EU


10:45-11:10     Troy Bouffard (virtual), Arctic Region Use of Information and Influence: Stable versus Contested Circumstances


11:10-11:35     Mathieu Landriault, Arctic Disinformation, Social Media, and Public Opinion


11:35-12:00     Sergey Sukhankin, Russia in the Arctic Security Environment: Core Narratives in an Era of Strategic Competition


12:00-1:20       Lunch


1:20-1:45         Adam Lajeunesse, Selling the ‘Near-Arctic’ State: China’s Information and Influence Operations in the Arctic


1:45-2:10         Marc Lanteigne, Sino-Russian Arctic Cooperation: Narratives and Realities


2:10-2:35         Roundtable discussion on Non-Arctic State Intentions and Strategic Messaging (sponsored by the Canadian Maritime Security Network) facilitated by Kate Todd and featuring Andrew Bresnahan (virtual), Marc Lanteigne, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Sergey Sukhankin


2:35-2:50         Coffee Break


2:50-3:15         LCol Hope Carr (virtual), The Future of the Information Environment and What It Means for Canada and the Arctic


3:15-3:40         Workshop discussion: Canada’s Arctic Strategic Messaging: Alignments and Opportunities

Introduced and facilitated by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Sergeant Jackie Jacobson


3:40-4:00         Final reflections and next steps

Whitney Lackenbauer, NAADSN



Alt Hotel Downtown Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


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