Team Member

Dr. P. Whitney Lackenbauer
Network Lead, Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in the Study of the Canadian North, and Professor, School for the Study of Canada, Trent University
Dr. Lackenbauer is one of Canada’s leading experts on Arctic security, history, and contemporary policy. He has received a long list of honours, awards, and grants for his scholarship. He has more than forty (co)authored or (co)edited books to his credit, including Arctic Front: Defending Canada in the Far North (winner of the 2009 Donner Prize – the award for the best public policy book by a Canadian), A Commemorative History of Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military (2010), The Canadian Rangers: A Living History (shortlisted for the 2014 J.W. Dafoe book prize), China’s Arctic Ambitions and What They Mean for Canada (2018), and Breaking the Ice Curtain? Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World (2019). Dr. Lackenbauer was the 2017-18 Killam Visiting Scholar at the University of Calgary, a Fulbright Fellow at the School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University in 2010, and a Canadian International Council Research Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation in 2008-09. He co-led the Emerging Arctic Security Environment project through ArcticNet (2010-15) and was co-chair of the Munk School-Gordon Foundation Arctic Peoples and Security program (2011-13). He was 2018 Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Centre for National Security Studies (CNSS) at Canadian Forces College, and became Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in the Study of the Canadian North at Trent University in July 2018.
Lackenbauer has a distinguished record of university and national service that has provided him with the requisite experience to coordinate and manage our collaborative network and engage with the Defence Team at many levels. In recognition of his work with Indigenous peoples and the military in Canada’s North, he was made the Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group in fall 2014 and was reappointed for a second three-year term in fall 2017. Lackenbauer also has extensive experience consulting to governments and non-government organizations on governance, sovereignty, security, and other policy issues.
For a detailed list of his extensive service in academic, government, and community circles, please see his website at
- NAADSN Quick Impact: Beginning NORAD’s Next Chapter? by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean, June 2022
- NAADSN Quick Impact: Framing Arctic Security: NAADSN Members’ Opening Comments to the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, contributions from Wilfrid Greaves, Rob Huebert, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, Andreas Østhagen, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon, March 2022
- NAADSN Quick Impact: Russian International Aggression and the Arctic: Why Strong, Secure, Engaged Remains Relevant, by Ryan Dean and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2022
- NAADSN Quick Impact Report: Conceptualizing Arctic Security in an Era of Strategic Competition: A Canadian Perspective by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, opening comments for a panel on “Allieredes perspektiver” and the hearings on “NATO’s rolle i Arktis” organized by the Center for Military Studies at the University of Copenhagen and Folketingshøring, Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark, 23 March 2022.
- Special Report: The Canadian Rangers @ 75: Key Documents, 1947-2022, compiled and introduced by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, February 2022. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 19. In partnership with the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies and the Arctic Institute of North America.
- Engage Series: The Canadian Armed Forces’ Eyes, Ears, and Voice in Remote Regions: Selected Writings on the Canadian Rangers, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, January 2022 [also available in a lower resolution (12.9MB) version].
- Policy Brief: The Arctic and North American Defence: Reflections on 2021, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Troy Bouffard, December 2021
- Policy Brief: La défense dans l’Arctique nord-américain, par P. Whitney Lackenbauer et Troy Bouffard, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- Engage Series: Debating Arctic Security: Selected Writings by Rob Huebert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 2010-2021, by Rob Huebert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, November 2021.
- NAADSN Quick Impact Report: The Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Rangers’ Maritime Role: An Unclear Proposal, by Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, October 2021
- Special Report: Canada and the Origins of the Arctic Council: Key Documents, 1988-1998, edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean, September 2021. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) Number 18, 2021. In partnership with the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies and the Arctic Institute of North America.
- Policy Brief: Diversity Statistics, Self-Identification Data, and the Canadian Rangers: Underestimating Indigenous Peoples’ Participation Rates in the Canadian Army, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, April 2021
- Engage Series: China’s Arctic Engagement: Following the Polar Silk Road to Greenland and Russia, edited by Justin Barnes, Heather Exner-Pirot, Lassi Heininen, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- Engage Series: Shielding North America: Canada’s Role in All-Domain Continental Defence Modernization, edited by Nancy Teeple and Ryan Dean, March 2021
- Policy Brief: Threats Through, To, and In the Arctic: A Framework for Analysis, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- Strategic Perspective: The Development of the Russian Arctic Council Chairmanship: A Strategic Plan of Preparation and Pursuit, by Troy Bouffard and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- Engage Series: On Thin Ice? Perspectives on Arctic Security, edited by Duncan Depledge and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- Policy Brief: Enhancing the Canadian Ranger Role in Disaster/Emergency Management (DEM), by Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, February 2021
- Event Report: Beyond the Cooperation-Conflict Conundrum: Proceedings of an Arctic Security Webinar Series, February 2021, edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Peggy Mason. Series co-organized with the Canadian Pugwash Group and the Rideau Institute.
- Quick Impact: Positioning Russia in the Circumpolar Arctic: Narrative, (De)Legitimizing Discourses, and a Framing Environment, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Troy Bouffard, January 2021
- Policy Primer: Strengthening Search and Rescue in Nunavut: Approaches and Options, Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, January 2021
- Special Report: Understanding the Future Arctic Security Environment: Applying NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis to Canadian Arctic Defence and Security, November 2020. [also available in high resolution (58MB) version]
- Policy Brief: The Arctic and North American Defence, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Troy Bouffard, and Nancy Teeple, December 2020
- Reading List: Strategic Communications and Disinformation: Implications for the Circumpolar Arctic, by Troy Bouffard and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, December 2020
- Reading List: The United States and the “Icebreaker Gap”, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Troy Bouffard, December 2020
- Strategic Perspective: North American Arctic Security Expectations in a New U.S. Administration, by Troy Bouffard, Wilfrid Greaves, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Nancy Teeple, November 2020
- Special Report: Measuring the Success of the Canadian Rangers, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Peter Kikkert, October 2020 [also available in high resolution (75MB) and low resolution (7.3MB) versions]
- Quick Impact: The Canadian Army in a Changing North American Defence and Security Environment, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, September 2020
- Event Report: Advancing Collaboration in Canada- US Arctic Regional Security (ACCUSARS) Workshop Report, September 2020
- Quick Impact: The Canadian Rangers, “Watching for Illegal Immigrants”, and Far-Right Extremism, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, September 2020
- Quick Impact: Permanency, Reassurance, and Quiet Diplomacy: The Permanent Joint Board on Defence (PJBD) at Eighty, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, August 2020
- Special Report: Using Civil-Military Operations to “Expand and Deepen” Relationships with Northern Communities: Examples from Alaska and Australia, by Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, July 2020
- Policy Brief: The Canadian Rangers and COVID-19, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Peter Kikkert, June 2020
- Engaged Series: Deterrence, Arms Control, and Cooperative Security: Selected Writings on Arctic Security, by Ernie Regehr, June 2020
- Reading List: Greenland and Arctic Security, by Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, June 2020
- Quick Impact: We Cannot Deter What We Cannot Detect, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean, May 2020
- Quick Impact: The U.S. Withdrawal from Open Skies: Implications for the Arctic, by Troy Bouffard and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, May 2020
- Quick Impact: “Russian Arctic Military Exercise Draws Awe and Concern” … and Promotes Misconceptions about the Canadian Armed Forces and Threats to the Canadian Arctic?, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Adam Lajeunesse, May 2020
- Strategic Perspective: Why Fear Russia in the Arctic? Contemplating Scenarios as an Exercise in Assumption-Testing and “Red Teaming”, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, May 2020
- Reading List: The Arctic Security Environment: Competition and Cooperation, by Wilfrid Greaves and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, May 2020
- Reading List: Russia and Arctic Security, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Kari Roberts, May 2020
- Reading List: The United States and Arctic Security, by Troy Bouffard and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, May 2020
- Reading List: China and Arctic Security, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean, May 2020
- Strategic Perspective: China’s Arctic Gambit? Contemplating Possible Strategies, by Ryan Dean and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, April 2020
- Monograph Series: Canada and the Maritime Arctic: Boundaries, Shelves, and Waters, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon. xvii, 196 pp. Peterborough: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, March 2020.
- Quick Impact: Blackjack Diplomacy, by Ryan Dean and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2020
- Monograph Series: Custos Borealis: The Military in the Canadian North, by Ken Eyre, edited with an introduction and afterword by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, foreword by BGen Patrick Carpentier. xliii, 351 pp. Peterborough: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, January 2020.
- Policy Brief: La défense nord-américaine, par P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Troy Bouffard et Nancy Teeple, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- Event Report: Fieldnotes from an Arctic “Bazaar”: Report on the Arctic Circle Assembly, by Whitney Lackenbauer, October 2019
- Engaged Series: Возможно ли растопить ледяной занавес? Россия, Канада и вопросы безопасности в меняющейся Арктике, под редакцией П. Уитни Лакенбауэра и Сюзанн Лалонд, Перевод на русский язык под редакцией Андрея Тодорова (May 2020) [Russian translation of Breaking the Ice Curtain? Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World, edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Suzanne Lalonde (Calgary: Canadian Global Affairs Institute, 2019)