Research Old
NAADSN Monograph Series
NAADSN Engage Series
Special Reports
Strategic Perspectives
Policy Briefs
Policy Primers
Event Reports
Activity Reports
Recent Publications by NAADSN Members and Fellows
NAADSN Monograph Series
This peer-reviewed series publishes original monographs and edited volumes on Arctic and North American defence and security themes in both English and French in open-access, e-book format.
- L’histoire des Rangers canadiens du Québec : 2e Groupe de patrouilles des Rangers canadiens, par P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Magali Vullierme, et Stéphane Roussel, avril 2022.
- A History of the Canadian Rangers of Quebec: 2nd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, April 2022.
- La Sécurité Arctique 2000-2010 : Une décennie turbulente? by Mathieu Landriault, Peterborough: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, June 2020.
- Canada and the Maritime Arctic: Boundaries, Shelves, and Waters, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon. xvii, 196 pp. Peterborough: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, March 2020.
- Custos Borealis: The Military in the Canadian North, by Ken Eyre, edited with an introduction and afterword by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, foreword by BGen Patrick Carpentier. xliii, 351 pp. Peterborough: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, January 2020.
NAADSN Engage Series
This peer-reviewed series publishes short monographs and edited volumes on timely topics related to North American and Arctic defence, security, and safety issues.
- The Canadian Armed Forces’ Eyes, Ears, and Voice in Remote Regions: Selected Writings on the Canadian Rangers, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, January 2022 [also available in a lower resolution (12.9MB) version].
- Debating Arctic Security: Selected Writings by Rob Huebert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 2010-2021, by Rob Huebert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, November 2021.
- Russia and the Arctic in an Era of Strategic Competition: Selected Writings, by Sergey Sukhankin, August 2021.
- On Thin Ice? Perspectives on Arctic Security, edited by Duncan Depledge and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- Shielding North America: Canada’s Role in NORAD Modernization, edited by Nancy Teeple and Ryan Dean, March 2021.
- China’s Arctic Engagement: Following the Polar Silk Road to Greenland and Russia, edited by Justin Barnes, Heather Exner-Pirot, Lassi Heininen, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021.
- Deterrence, Arms Control, and Cooperative Security: Selected Writings on Arctic Security, by Ernie Regehr, June 2020.
- Возможно ли растопить ледяной занавес? Россия, Канада и вопросы безопасности в меняющейся Арктике, под редакцией П. Уитни Лакенбауэра и Сюзанн Лалонд, Перевод на русский язык под редакцией Андрея Тодорова (May 2020) [Russian translation of Breaking the Ice Curtain? Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World, edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Suzanne Lalonde (Calgary: Canadian Global Affairs Institute, 2019).
Special Reports
- Special Operation Forces and the Arctic: Meeting North America’s 21st Century Security Needs, James R. Morton Jr. and Troy J. Bouffard, Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) program, Department of National Defence, Ottawa, Quebec. August 2022.
- The Arctic Barometer – June 2022: Predictions of Arctic experts on the future of the region, Mathieu Landriault and Paul Minard. In partnership with Observatoire de la politique et la sécurité de l’Arctique, June 2022
- Le baromètre arctique – Juin 2022: Prédictions d’experts arctiques sur le futur de la région, Mathieu Landriault et Paul Minard. En partenariat avec Observatoire de la politique et la sécurité de l’Arctique, Juin 2022
- Sovereignty, Security, and Resilience: Selected Stories about 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group, 1998-2022, compiled by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Bianca Romagnoli, March 2022. In partnership with 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group.
- The Canadian Rangers @ 75: Key Documents, 1947-2022, compiled and introduced by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, February 2022. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. 19. In partnership with the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies and the Arctic Institute of North America.
- L’année arctique 2021, OPSA Revue annuelle, 2021. Pour les chapitres individuels, veuillez cliquer ici
- A Comparison of Strategies and Policies of the Eight Arctic States, compiled by Jill Barclay, November 2021
- Canada and the Origins of the Arctic Council: Key Documents, 1988-1998, edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean, September 2021. Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) Number 18, 2021. In partnership with the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies and the Arctic Institute of North America.
- Great Power Competition in the Anthropocene Arctic: Proceedings of an Institute of Advanced Studies Spotlight Series Workshop, edited by Duncan Depledge, June 2021
- L’année arctique 2020, OPSA Revue annuelle, 2020. Pour les chapitres individuels, veuillez cliquer ici
- Understanding the Future Arctic Security Environment: Applying NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis to Canadian Arctic Defence and Security, November 2020. [also available in high resolution (58MB) version]
- Voices from the Arctic: Diverse Views on Canadian Arctic Security, Dalee Sambo Dorough, Bridget Larocque, Kaviq Kaluraq, and Daniel Taukie, November 2020
- Measuring the Success of the Canadian Rangers, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Peter Kikkert, October 2020 [also available in high resolution (75MB) and low resolution (7.3MB) versions]
- Using Civil-Military Operations to “Expand and Deepen” Relationships with Northern Communities: Examples from Alaska and Australia, by Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, July 2020
- L’année arctique 2019, OPSA Revue annuelle, 2019.
Strategic Perspectives
These brief documents offer fresh perspectives on strategic issues related to North American defence, Arctic security, and implications of major power competition for Canada and its allies.
- War in Ukraine dilutes Russia’s Arctic successes and damages future plans, by Sergey Sukhankin, July 2022
- International Arctic Responses to the Further Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Key Sources, compiled by Andrew Bresnahan, Ryan Dean, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Bridget Larocque, current as of 30 June 2022 at 1200 EST
- Reflections on Arctic Arms Control and Proposals for an Arctic Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone (ANWFZ), by Alexander MacDonald, May 2021
- The Development of the Russian Arctic Council Chairmanship: A Strategic Plan of Preparation and Pursuit, by Troy Bouffard and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- An Opportunity for NORAD Modernization in a Joint CA-US Cyber Component, by Kristen Csenkey and MCpl Dominique Philippe Genest, January 2021. Publié en français avec le Réseau d’analyse stratégique
- A Developing Maritime Operational Environment: Forward Presence and Freedom of Navigation in the Arctic, by Troy Bouffard, January 2021
- Lessons Learned from COVID-19: Insights for Climate Change Mitigation, by Jackson Bellamy, December 2020
- North American Arctic Security Expectations in a New U.S. Administration, by Troy Bouffard, Wilfrid Greaves, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Nancy Teeple, November 2020
- Cyber Capacity Building in the Canadian Arctic and the North, by Kristen Csenkey and Maj. Bruno Perron, October 2020
- Why Fear Russia in the Arctic? Contemplating Scenarios as an Exercise in Assumption-Testing and “Red Teaming”, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, May 2020
- China’s Arctic Gambit? Contemplating Possible Strategies, by Ryan Dean and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, April 2020
Policy Briefs
Short briefings that provide information, succinct analysis, and policy suggestions on specific topics for policy-making and expert audiences.
- China-Russian Cooperation, American Hegemony, and Great Power Competition in the Arctic: Positioning Canada as an Arctic Power in an Uncertain Age, by Adam P. MacDonald, December 2021
- Les ressources naturelles, par Frédéric Lasserre et Pauline Pic, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- La connectivité, par Michael Delaunay, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- La navigation, par Frédéric Lasserre, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- La sécurité humaine, par Magali Vullierme, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- La diplomatie, par Camille Escudé Joffres, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- The European Arctic: Developments in 2021, by Thomas Hughes, December 2021
- La défense dans l’Arctique européen, par Thomas Hughes, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- The Arctic and North American Defence: Reflections on 2021, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Troy Bouffard, December 2021
- La défense dans l’Arctique nord-américain, par P. Whitney Lackenbauer et Troy Bouffard, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
- Creating a Non-Military Disaster Workforce Must be Part of Canada’s Climate Change Response, by Peter Kikkert, December 2021
- Sputnik‘s Coverage of Trump’s Declaration Over the Purchase of Greenland, by Gabrielle LaFortune and Mathieu Landriault, October 2021
- The (Potential) Sino-Russian Maritime Partnership: Impacts on the Arctic Region, by Sergy Sukhankin, October 2021
- The Permanent Joint Board on Defence: Foundational or “Limbo” to a Renewed Purpose?, by Nicholas Glesby, August 2021
- Russia’s ‘Green’ Agenda in the Arctic Council: Words, Deeds, and Implications for the West, by Sergey Sukhankin, July 2021
- China as Arctic Council Observer: Compliance and Compatibility, by Andrew Chater, May 2021
- Diversity Statistics, Self-Identification Data, and the Canadian Rangers: Underestimating Indigenous Peoples’ Participation Rates in the Canadian Army, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, April 2021
- Threats Through, To, and In the Arctic: A Framework for Analysis, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- Arctic Security and Sovereignty through a Media Lens: A Study by Mathieu Landriault, by Praneel K. Gayan, A Brief from Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic, March 2021
- The Case for Traditional Security, by Nicole Covey, A Brief from Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic, March 2021
- An Undeserved Reputation: Revising Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty and Security under the Harper Government, by Ryan Dean, A Brief from Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic, March 2021
- “Understanding the Recent History of Energy Security in the Arctic”, by Jackson Bellamy, A Brief from Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic, March 2021
- Sovereign Futures in an Insecure Arctic, by Carly MacArthur, A Brief from Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic, March 2021
- Enhancing the Canadian Ranger Role in Disaster/Emergency Management (DEM), by Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, February 2021
- Terrorism and the Terrorized: How the ‘Terrorism’ Label is Informed and Applied to a Violent Attack in Canada, by Shannon Nash, January 2021
- Les ressources naturelles, par Frédéric Lasserre et Pauline Pic, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- La connectivité, par Michael Delaunay, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- La navigation, par Frédéric Lasserre, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- La sécurite humaine, par Magali Vullierme, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- La diplomatie, par Mathieu Landriault, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- La défense nord-américaine, par P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Troy Bouffard et Nancy Teeple, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- The Arctic and North American Defence, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Troy Bouffard, and Nancy Teeple, December 2020
- Les opérations et acquisitions militaires, par Adam MacDonald et Thomas Hughes, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020
- Arctic Military Development in 2020: Three Key Trends, by Thomas Hughes and Adam P. MacDonald, December 2020
- The Pivot from Terrorism in an Era of Renewed Great Power Competition, by Shannon Nash, September 2020
- Improving the Canadian Armed Forces’ Recruitment and Retention of Indigenous People: Best Practices from the New Zealand Defence Force, by Jayde Lavoie and Jill Barclay, September 2020
- A GBA+ Analysis of the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework – Safety, Security, and Defence Chapter, by Nathalie Poirier, August 2020
- Canada and Missile Defence: A New Strategic Context Requires Revisiting Participation, by Nancy Teeple, August 2020
- The Canadian Rangers and COVID-19, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Peter Kikkert, June 2020
- Questions soulevées par les impacts de la crise de la COVID-19 sur les Rangers et sur les communautés du Nunavik, by Magali Vullierme, June 2020
- Democracy, Donald Trump, and the Canada-US Security Environment, by Wilfrid Greaves, May 2020
- Literature Review on Russia’s Strategic Intentions Since 2015, by Andrew Chater, April 2020
- Engagement with Inuit People by the Canadian Military via social media, by Mathieu Landriault and Jean-François Savard, March 2020
- The Arctic Council: A Key Moment of Challenge, by Andrew Chater, February 2020
- Arctic Ironies: American Shaping of an Arctic Regime, by Ryan Dean, January 2020
- The Nuances of Geopolitics in the Arctic, by Andreas Østhagen, January 2020
- U.S. Arctic Messaging in an Era of Renewed Great Power Competition, by Shannon Nash, November 2019
- Perspectives européennes sur la sécurité arctique – Une analyse des énoncés de politique arctique de l’Allemagne, la France et l’Écosse, by Mathieu Landriault, November 2019
- European perspectives on Arctic security: Analysis of the 2019 policy statements of Germany, France and Scotland, by Mathieu Landriault, October 2019
- The Case for a Reimagined NWS, by Andrea Charron, October 2019
Policy Primers
NAADSN Policy Primers offer overviews on a specific topic to serve as foundations for further research and/or policy development.
- Climate Security in an ‘Anthropocene Arctic’, by Justin Barnes, June 2022
- Human Security in the Arctic: A Review of the Russian Literature, by Demyan Plakhov, January 2022
- The “Izborsk Club”: A Call From the Past or Insight into Russia’s Future? by Sergey Sukhankin, November 2021
- Public Opinion Polls Across the Arctic, 2007 – 2021: Dataset, Methodology, and Takeaways on Post-2014 and the Arctic, by Gabriella Gricius, November 2021
- Legitimization of the Arctic Coastal States (A5) through the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) Fisheries Agreement, by Nicole Covey, October 2021
- Powering Canada’s Territories: Governing Critical Infrastructure Assets (2015-2021), by Christina Bouchard, October 2021
- Chinese State Media English Language Discourse in the Arctic Region (2016-2021), by Matthew P. Stepien, September 2021
- Is the Arctic Still a Forgotten Flank? Examining NATO Engagement in the Arctic, by Mackenzie Foxall, August 2021
- NATO Sanctions Policy, by Demyan Plakhov, July 2021
- Leveraging the Canadian Space Sector to Improve Arctic Infrastructure and Communications: RADARSAT and Telesat, by Emily Standfield and Jill Barclay, July 2021
- NORAD Modernization: Considering the Threat of Small UAS to (Integrated) Air and Missile Defence, by Christopher Verklan, June 2021
- Chinese Arctic Discourse, 2018 to Present, by Erin Parsons, June 2021
- The Republic of Korea’s Interests and Priorities in the Arctic, by Tina J. Park, March 2021
- Human Security, Europe, and the Arctic, by Gabriella Gricius, February 2021
- The Theory and Evolution of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones: Could the Arctic Be Next?, by Alexander MacDonald, February 2021
- Strengthening Search and Rescue in Nunavut: Approaches and Options, by Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, January 2021
- OP-LASER 2020 – Evaluation des impacts sur les Rangers canadiens & sur les communautés du Nunavik, by Magali Vullierme, January 2021
- Geoengineering in the Canadian Arctic: Governance Challenges, by Jill Barclay, January 2021
- Climate Change Disinformation and Polarization in Canadian Society, by Jackson Bellamy, December 2020
- Mise en œuvre de la DNUDPA: quelques implications pour les Forces armées canadiennes dans l’Arctique, by Nicolas Kempf, November 2020
- Some Design Considerations for Arctic-Capable Submarines, by Timothy Choi and Adam Lajeunesse, November 2020
- Arctic Airports and Aerodromes as Critical Infrastructure, by Christina Bouchard, November 2020
- The Impacts of Climate Change on North American Defence and Security, by Jill Barclay, Jayde Lavoie, Carly MacArthur, and Maria Nallim, September 2020
- The NORAD Discussion on Twitter: analysis of themes, trends and social relationships, by Mathieu Landriault and Jean-François Savard, September 2020
- Opinions and framing of the North Warning System from the Canadian North, Gabrielle LaFortune and Mathieu Landriault, August 2020
- The Continental Defence Debate in the Canadian Public Sphere – Evidence from Traditional Media and Parliamentary Committees, by Mathieu Landriault, Paul Minard, and Praneel Gayan, August 2020
- Arctic Highways as Critical Infrastructure, by Christina Bouchard, August 2020
- Alternative Energy in the Canadian North, by Jackson Bellamy, August 2020
- What is Russia Doing in the Arctic? Documenting Russian Military Actions in the North between 2014 – 2020, by Danielle Cherpako, August 2020, Annex of the data set (Zoom to view)
- U.S. Arctic Policy: Threats, Actors, and Outcomes, by Nancy Teeple, April 2020
Event Reports
- NORAD Modernization Closed Door Workshop, June 2021
- The North American Arctic Forum Event Report, March 2021.
- Beyond the Cooperation-Conflict Conundrum: Proceedings of an Arctic Security Webinar Series, February 2021, edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Peggy Mason. Series co-organized with the Canadian Pugwash Group and the Rideau Institute.
- Advancing Collaboration in Canada- US Arctic Regional Security (ACCUSARS) Workshop Report, September 2020
- Kitikmeot Roundtable on Search and Rescue – General Report and Findings. Report from a workshop hosted at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, 31 January – 1 February 2020.
- The Permanent Joint Board on Defence (PJBD): How Permanent and Joint? Celebrating 80 Years of Cooperation – Post Event Report, 25 February 2020
Activity Reports
- Effects of Recent Developments on Arctic Governance, Arctic Academic eTalks Closed Session Report, March 2022
- Expectations from the Russian Arctic Council Chairmanship, Arctic Academic eTalks Closed Session Report, June 2021
- Arctic Hard Security Taskforce: Summary of the 10 December expert workshop, by Mathieu Boulègue and Dr. Duncan Depledge, March 2021
- Voices from the Arctic: Diverse Views on Arctic Security, a reflection of the NAADSN and ISROP co-hosted event, by John Lauzon, November 2020
- A Resumption of the Great Arctic Game, a reflection on NAADSN Ideas Series with Dr. Rob Huebert, by Nicole Covey, November 2020
- NORAD Modernization Forum Third Report: JADC2/JADO, by Ryan Dean and Nancy Teeple, October 2020
- Is it time for Canada to Revisit Missile Defence Participation?, a reflection on NAADSN Ideas Series with Dr. Nancy Teeple, Mr. Ernie Regehr, and Dr. James Fergusson by Alexander MacDonald
- NORAD Modernization Forum Second Report: Defeat Capabilities, CDA Institute, by Ryan Dean and Nancy Teeple, September 2020
- NORAD Modernization Forum First Report: Awareness and Sensors, CDA Institute, by Ryan Dean and Nancy Teeple, September 2020
- Enhanced Crime During COVID-19, Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis, August 2020
- Report on the North Star Event: The First US Air Force Arctic Strategy, by Nancy Teeple, July 2020
- The North American Arctic: Security Challenges and Opportunities, a reflection on NAADSN Ideas Series with Lindsay L. Rodman, Iris Ferguson, and Andrea Charron by Danielle Cherpako, June 2020
- MythBuster, a reflection on NAADSN Ideas Series with P. Whitney Lackenbauer by Ryan Dean, June 2020
- Democracy, Donald Trump, and the Future of the Canada-U.S. Security Community, a reflection on NAADSN Ideas Series with Wilfrid Greaves by Nancy Teeple, May 2020
- Stickhandling Through Roughing and Interference: How to Position Canada in the Great Power Plays, by Nancy Teeple, April 2020
- Sea-ice loss and the Arctic region, by Nathalie Poirier and Mathieu Landriault, January 2020
- Fieldnotes from Attending MASS: Report on the 2019 Maritime & Arctic Security & Safety Conference “People & Technology: Making the Connection”, by Ryan Dean, November 2019
- Zapad, Vostok, Tsentr: Russian Military Exercises, Alliances and Capabilities, by Mathieu Landriault, Adam MacDonald, and Thomas Hughes, November 2019
- The Rise and Fall of the Liberal International Order, by Shannon Nash, November 2019
- Reflections from Attending ACSUS, by Andrew Chater, November 2019
- Fieldnotes from an Arctic “Bazaar”: Report on the Arctic Circle Assembly, by Whitney Lackenbauer, October 2019
- Reflections from the Student Conference on U.S. Affairs 71 (SCUSA), by Dominque Wightman, October 2019
- Reflections from the Student Conference on U.S. Affairs 71 (SCUSA), Myles Erickson, October 2019
- Reflections from the Inuit Studies Conference, by Mathieu Landriault, October 2019
- Arctic Circle 2019: The Arctic Security Environment and ‘Outside’ Actors, by Justin Barnes, October 2019
Recent Publications by NAADSN Members and Fellows
In alphabetical order by author’s last name:
- Abelson, Don, and Adam Lajeunesse. “Canada-US Relations in the Age of Trump.” In American Review of Canadian Studies 50, no. 1 (2020): 1-8.
- Alexeeva, Olga, and Frédéric Lasserre. “La Russie, la Chine et la route de la soie polaire.” Diplomatie n°102 (2020): 53-56.
- Arctic lights: Assessing public policy impacts using nighttime lights emissions. Cases from Quebec, Greenland and Norway, By Paul Minard and Mathieu Landriault, Observatoire de la politique et la sécurité de l’Arctique, 21 August 2021.
- Babin, Julie, Frédéric Lasserre and Pauline Pic. “Arctic Shipping and Polar Seaways.” In Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, edited by P. Maurice, 1539-1550. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley, 2019.
- Boucher, Vincent and Kristen Csenkey, Modernizing ‘We Have the Watch’: Opportunities for Canada within the Current Continental Defence Partnership, The Defence and Security Foresight (DSF) Group, University of Waterloo: Waterloo, Canada, October 2020.
- Bouffard, Troy J. and Carlson, Cameron D., U.S. View: Emerging Information Environment, The Watch Magazine, 23 February 2021.
- Bouffard, Troy and Lindsay L. Rodman, “U.S. Arctic security strategies: balancing strategic and operational dimensions,” The Polar Journal, 2021.
- Bouffard, Troy, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “The Russian Arctic Council Chairmanship: National Security Considerations in the Shadow of Regional Cooperation,” Russian Analytical Digest no. 269 (June 2021): 2-4.
- Bouffard, Troy J., Ekaterina Uryupova, Klaus Dodds, Vladimir E. Romanovsky, Alec P. Bennett, and Dmitry Streletskiy, Scientific Cooperation: Supporting Circumpolar Permafrost Monitoring and Data Sharing, Land, 10, no. 6, 2021.
- Boulanger, Marine and Frédéric Lasserre. “La délimitation maritime en mer de Beaufort, entre immobilisme et indifférence?” L’Espace Politique 42, no. 3 (2021).
- Charron, Andrea and James Fergusson, “North America’s Imperative: Strengthening Deterrence by Denial“, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Winter 2021, p. 42-58.
- Charron, Andrea and James Fergusson, “Canada and Defence Against Help: The Wrong Theory for the Wrong Country at the Wrong Time,” Canadian Defence: Policy in Theory and Practice. Eds. Thomas Juneau, Phillipe Lagassé, and Srdjan Vucetic. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019: 99-118.
- Charron, Andrea, and Jim Fergusson. “NORAD’s Maritime Warning Role: Origins and Future.” Canadian Naval Review 17, no. 2 (2021): 10-14.
- Charron, Andrea. “The Solidification of the Arctic Sovereignty Meme: Assessing Harper’s Arctic Foreign Policy.” In The Stephen Harper Years and Canadian Foreign Policy, edited by Peter McKenna. Queen’s/McGill University Press, 2021.
- Charron, Andrea. “What’s Wrong with NATO and How to Fix.” Review of What’s Wrong with NATO and How to Fix It, by Mark Webber, James Sperling & Martin Smith. International Journal, September 2021.
- Charron, Andrea. “Arctic Security: NATO and the Future of Transatlantic Relations.” In Turning the Tide; How to Rescue Transatlantic Relations, edited by Simona Soare. Paris: EU Institute of Security Studies, 2020.
- Charron, Andrea. “Common Ground: Why Russia and Canada should cooperate in the Arctic.” Carnegie Moscow Center, September 2021.
- Charron, Andrea and James Fergusson, “Out of Sight, Out of mind NORAD vis-à-vis CANUS Politics” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 2019: 2-15.
- Charron, Andrea and James Fergusson, Rediscovering the Cost of Deterrence, CGAI, September 2019.
- Charron, Andrea and Jim Fergusson, with Joseph Jockel, Chris Sands, and Joel Sokolsky, NORAD: Beyond Modernization Centre for Defence and Security Studies, University of Manitoba, 2019.
- Charron, Andrea, Canada, the United States and Arctic Security, in Canada’s Arctic Agenda: Into the Vortex by John Higginbotham and Jennifer Spence, CIGI 2019: 93-102.
- Charron, Andrea, Sovereignty and Command in Canada-US Continental Air Defence, 1940-57, H-Diplo, March 2019.
- Charron, Andrea, Troy Bouffard, and James Fergusson, “A Tale of Two Russias” in Breaking the Ice Curtain? Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World, Whitney Lackenbauer and Suzanne Lalonde (eds), CGAI, 2019: 61-74.
- Chater, Andrew, Inuit in the Arctic Council: How Does Depiction Differ? The Northern Review, no. 51, p. 155-171, July 2021.
- Chater, Andrew, “The Arctic paradiplomacy of Indigenous peoples’ organizations,” in Mapping Arctic Paradiplomacy: Limits and Opportunities for Sub-National Actors in Arctic Governance, eds. Mathieu Landriault, Jean François Payette, and Stéphane Roussel. London: Routledge, 2021: 139-155.
- Chater, Andrew, “Security Governance Between Canada and Greenland,” In The North American Arctic: New Trends in Regional Security, edited by Heather Nicol and Dwayne Menezes, 188-199. London, United Kingdom: University College London Press, 2019.
- Chater, Andrew, Wilfred Greaves, and Leah Sarson, “Assessing Security Governance in the Arctic.” In Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security, edited by Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Jessica M. Shadian, and Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, 43-56. Abigdon, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2020.
- Csenkey, Kristen, Balkan Devlen, Charlotte Duval-Lantoine, Annika Schulz, “A Not So Frozen 2035: The Future of NATO in the European Arctic and High North,” Defence & Security Foresight Group working paper, June 2021.
- Csenkey, Kristen, The (Cyber) Future of Procurement, The Defence and Security Foresight (DSF) Group, University of Waterloo: Waterloo, Canada, July 2020.
- Dean, Ryan, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “A Northern Nuclear Nightmare? Operation Morning Light and the Recovery of Cosmos 954 in the Northwest Territories, 1978,” in Nuclear Histories of Canada, eds. Susan Colbourn and Timothy Sayle. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020: 181-206.
- Dean, Ryan, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer. “Canada and Geostrategy: From C.P. Stacey to Twenty-First Century Arctic Threat Assessment,” Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 20, no.1 (2019): 1-6.
- Carol Devine, Tahnee Prior and Gosia Smieszek. “Finding Marguerite and Tookoolito: ‘Mapping Women of the Arctic’ “. Arctic Yearbook 2021, eds. Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot, and Justin Barnes (November 2021): 592-598.
- Dolata, Petra, A Balanced Arctic Policy for the EU, In-depth Analysis, European Parliament Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies, 20 July 2020.
- Dolata, Petra. “Out in the Cold? Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy in a Changing World.” In: Helga E. Bories-Sawala and Stephan Ditze (eds.). The Arctic Is Dying: The Far North of Canada and Québec: A Fascinating Habitat Facing Extreme Challenges (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2020): 25-37.
- Dolata, Petra. “Understanding the Recent History of Energy Security in the Arctic,” in: Wilfrid Greaves and P. Whitney Lackenbauer (eds.). Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021): 185-98.
- Evans, Jen, and Andreas Østhagen. “Fisheries Disputes: The Real Potential for Arctic Conflict.” The Arctic Institute, June 3, 2021.
- Everett, Karen. “Canada’s Northern Borders in the Context of National Border Management Regimes.” In The North American Arctic: Themes in Regional Security, edited by Dwayne Ryan Menezes & Heather N. Nicol, 171-187. London: UCL Press, 2019.
- Exner-Pirot, Heather, Pathways to Indigenous Economic Self-Determination: How Resource development supports independence for Indigenous communities, MacDonald-Laurier Institute, May 2021.
- Fournier, Mélanie, Frédéric Lasserre, Leah Beveridge and Pierre-Louis Têtu. “A European Shipping Companies Survey on Arctic Shipping. Expectation vs. Reality.” Études du CQEG n°1, June 2020.
- Greaves, Will, As War Upends the Global Order, Canada Must Urgently Look to the Arctic, Centre for International Governance Innovation, 4 March 2022.
- Greaves, Will, Climate Change and Security in Canada, International Journal, Volume 76, Issue 2, June 2021.
- Greaves, Will, “Democracy, Donald Trump and the Canada-US Security Community.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2020: 1-21.
- Greaves, Will, “National Security and the High North: Post-Cold War Arctic Security Policy in Norway,” in: Wilfrid Greaves and P. Whitney Lackenbauer (eds.). Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021): 97-116.
- Greaves, Will, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, eds. Breaking Through? Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
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