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NAADSN Monograph Series
NAADSN Engage Series
Special Reports
Strategic Perspectives
Policy Briefs
Policy Primers
Event Reports
Activity Reports
Recent Publications by NAADSN Members and Fellows

NAADSN Monograph Series

This peer-reviewed series publishes original monographs and edited volumes on Arctic and North American defence and security themes in both English and French in open-access, e-book format. 

NAADSN Engage Series

This peer-reviewed series publishes short monographs and edited volumes on timely topics related to North American and Arctic defence, security, and safety issues.

Special Reports

Strategic Perspectives

These brief documents offer fresh perspectives on strategic issues related to North American defence, Arctic security, and implications of major power competition for Canada and its allies.

Policy Briefs

Short briefings that provide information, succinct analysis, and policy suggestions on specific topics for policy-making and expert audiences.

Policy Primers

NAADSN Policy Primers offer overviews on a specific topic to serve as foundations for further research and/or policy development.

Event Reports

Activity Reports

Recent Publications by NAADSN Members and Fellows

In alphabetical order by author’s last name: