Strategic Perspectives
These brief documents offer fresh perspectives on strategic issues related to North American defence, Arctic security, and implications of major power competition for Canada and its allies.
- Doing it Right: An IN, TO, THROUGH Analysis of the U.S. 2024 Department of Defense Arctic Strategy, by Ryan Dean and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, November 2024
- Looking Beyond China: Non-Western Actors in the Russian Arctic after February 2022, by Sergey Sukhankin and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, November 2024
- The Defence Policy Update and NATO’s Northern Flank: Insights from Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent’s 1947 Gray Lecture, by Ryan Dean and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, July 2024
- The Future of the Arctic Council: Russian Perspectives since February 2022, by Sergey Sukhankin and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, August 2023
- Russian Reactions to NATO’s “Nordic Expansion,” by Sergey Sukhankin, P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Adam Lajeunesse, July 2023
- Beavers and Lions: Comparing Canadian and Norwegian Arctic Narratives, by Gabriella Gricius, February 2023
- War in Ukraine dilutes Russia’s Arctic successes and damages future plans, by Sergey Sukhankin, July 2022
- International Arctic Responses to the Further Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Key Sources, compiled by Andrew Bresnahan, Ryan Dean, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Bridget Larocque, current as of 30 June 2022
- Reflections on Arctic Arms Control and Proposals for an Arctic Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone (ANWFZ), by Alexander MacDonald, May 2021
- The Development of the Russian Arctic Council Chairmanship: A Strategic Plan of Preparation and Pursuit, by Troy Bouffard and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- An Opportunity for NORAD Modernization in a Joint CA-US Cyber Component, by Kristen Csenkey and MCpl Dominique Philippe Genest, January 2021. Publié en français avec le Réseau d’analyse stratégique
- A Developing Maritime Operational Environment: Forward Presence and Freedom of Navigation in the Arctic, by Troy Bouffard, January 2021
- Lessons Learned from COVID-19: Insights for Climate Change Mitigation, by Jackson Bellamy, December 2020
- North American Arctic Security Expectations in a New U.S. Administration, by Troy Bouffard, Wilfrid Greaves, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, and Nancy Teeple, November 2020
- Cyber Capacity Building in the Canadian Arctic and the North, by Kristen Csenkey and Maj. Bruno Perron, October 2020
- Why Fear Russia in the Arctic? Contemplating Scenarios as an Exercise in Assumption-Testing and “Red Teaming”, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, May 2020
- China’s Arctic Gambit? Contemplating Possible Strategies, by Ryan Dean and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, April 2020