Team Member
Dr. Jackie Dawson
Network Coordinator
Dr. Jackie Dawson is the Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society, and Policy and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Environment, and Geomatics at the University of Ottawa. She is an Applied Scientist working on the human and policy dimensions of environmental change in ocean and coastal regions. She is considered a national and international expert in Arctic marine transportation, Indigenous community development, and oceans governance. She has served on two Canadian Council of Academies’ Expert Panels focused on the risks and social and economic values of marine shipping in Canada. She was recently elected as a member of the prestigious College of the Royal Society of Canada and the Global Young Academy and is also a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society. She currently co-chairs the Societal and Economic Research Applications working group for the World Meteorological Organization’s Polar Prediction Project. Dr. Dawson’s research has real world relevance and has been previously used to inform federal, territorial, and local level policy related to Arctic shipping governance; has been used as a basis for recommendations appearing in an Auditor General of Canada report on Arctic navigation; and has appeared in several Arctic Council science reports.