Policy Primers
NAADSN Policy Primers offer overviews on a specific topic to serve as foundations for further research and/or policy development.
- Understanding the Role of the North Pacific in Canada’s Arctic Foreign Policy, by Marc Lanteigne, December 2024
- “The most urgent and important task we face”: Framing the Arctic focus in Canada’s April 2024 defence policy update, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, November 2024
- “Nothing about us without us”: What can we learn from Greenland’s new Arctic Strategy 2024-2033?, by Rasmus Leander Nielsen and Jeppe Strandsbjerg, November 2024
- NATO and the Arctic, by Gabriella Gricius, June 2024
- The Arctic Barometer: Measuring Expert Predictions on the Arctic Region, by Mathieu Landriault, Elana Wilson Rowe, and Paul Minard, April 2024
- Mapping Collaboration Between Chinese and Western Content Producers on the Arctic, 2007-2021, by Gabriella Gricius, March 2024
- China’s Role in Arctic Conferences, by Gabriella Gricius, January 2024
- The Debate over the Legal Status of the Northwest Passage, by Suzanne Lalonde, September 2023.
- Chinese Media Reactions to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and NATO Expansion in Sweden and Finland, by Adam Lajeunesse, September 2023.
- NORAD in the Arctic: Command and Control Gaps and Information Siloes, by Nicholas Glesby, August 2023.
- Academic Research on China’s Arctic Interests in English, 2006-2021: Preliminary Quantitative Analysis, by Gabriella Gricius, with Nicholas Glesby, Ruting Guo, and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, July 2023.
- RAIPON, Russian Indigenous Peoples, and the War in Ukraine: Pro-Kremlin Narratives and Voices of Dissent, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Evgeniia Sidorova, and Sergey Sukhankin, July 2023
- Continuity and Change: The Role of Nuclear Weapons and Missile Defence in Integrated Deterrence, by Mihai Giboi, January 2023
- Climate Security in an ‘Anthropocene Arctic’, by Justin Barnes, June 2022
- Human Security in the Arctic: A Review of the Russian Literature, by Demyan Plakhov, January 2022
- The “Izborsk Club”: A Call From the Past or Insight into Russia’s Future? by Sergey Sukhankin, November 2021
- Public Opinion Polls Across the Arctic, 2007 – 2021: Dataset, Methodology, and Takeaways on Post-2014 and the Arctic, by Gabriella Gricius, November 2021
- Legitimization of the Arctic Coastal States (A5) through the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) Fisheries Agreement, by Nicole Covey, October 2021
- Powering Canada’s Territories: Governing Critical Infrastructure Assets (2015-2021), by Christina Bouchard, October 2021
- Chinese State Media English Language Discourse in the Arctic Region (2016-2021), by Matthew P. Stepien, September 2021
- Is the Arctic Still a Forgotten Flank? Examining NATO Engagement in the Arctic, by Mackenzie Foxall, August 2021
- NATO Sanctions Policy, by Demyan Plakhov, July 2021
- Leveraging the Canadian Space Sector to Improve Arctic Infrastructure and Communications: RADARSAT and Telesat, by Emily Standfield and Jill Barclay, July 2021
- NORAD Modernization: Considering the Threat of Small UAS to (Integrated) Air and Missile Defence, by Christopher Verklan, June 2021
- Chinese Arctic Discourse, 2018 to Present, by Erin Parsons, June 2021
- The Republic of Korea’s Interests and Priorities in the Arctic, by Tina J. Park, March 2021
- Human Security, Europe, and the Arctic, by Gabriella Gricius, February 2021
- The Theory and Evolution of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones: Could the Arctic Be Next?, by Alexander MacDonald, February 2021
- Strengthening Search and Rescue in Nunavut: Approaches and Options, by Peter Kikkert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, January 2021
- OP-LASER 2020 – Evaluation des impacts sur les Rangers canadiens & sur les communautés du Nunavik, by Magali Vullierme, January 2021
- Geoengineering in the Canadian Arctic: Governance Challenges, by Jill Barclay, January 2021
- Climate Change Disinformation and Polarization in Canadian Society, by Jackson Bellamy, December 2020
- Mise en œuvre de la DNUDPA: quelques implications pour les Forces armées canadiennes dans l’Arctique, by Nicolas Kempf, November 2020
- Some Design Considerations for Arctic-Capable Submarines, by Timothy Choi and Adam Lajeunesse, November 2020
- Arctic Airports and Aerodromes as Critical Infrastructure, by Christina Bouchard, November 2020
- The Impacts of Climate Change on North American Defence and Security, by Jill Barclay, Jayde Lavoie, Carly MacArthur, and Maria Nallim, September 2020
- The NORAD Discussion on Twitter: analysis of themes, trends and social relationships, by Mathieu Landriault and Jean-François Savard, September 2020
- Opinions and framing of the North Warning System from the Canadian North, Gabrielle LaFortune and Mathieu Landriault, August 2020
- The Continental Defence Debate in the Canadian Public Sphere – Evidence from Traditional Media and Parliamentary Committees, by Mathieu Landriault, Paul Minard, and Praneel Gayan, August 2020
- Arctic Highways as Critical Infrastructure, by Christina Bouchard, August 2020
- Alternative Energy in the Canadian North, by Jackson Bellamy, August 2020
- What is Russia Doing in the Arctic? Documenting Russian Military Actions in the North between 2014 – 2020, by Danielle Cherpako, August 2020, Annex of the data set (Zoom to view)
- U.S. Arctic Policy: Threats, Actors, and Outcomes, by Nancy Teeple, April 2020