Team Member

Dr. Rob Huebert
Network Coordinator
Dr. Rob Huebert (Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary), a leading Canadian commentator on Arctic security and defence issues in media, academic, and policy circles, will continue to monitor and analyze Arctic defence and international security trends, with a particular focus on strategic policy and military capabilities and how developments impact on Canadian Arctic security. His areas of research inter ests include: international relations, strategic studies, the Law of the Sea, maritime affairs, Canadian foreign and defence policy, and circumpolar relations. His books include Canada and the Changing Arctic: Sovereignty, Security and Stewardship (co-authored with Franklyn Griffiths and Lackenbauer, 2011) and (Re)Conceptualizing Arctic Security: Selected Articles from the Journal of Military and Security Studies (co-edited with Lackenbauer and Ryan Dean, 2017).
- NAADSN Quick Impact: Framing Arctic Security: NAADSN Members’ Opening Comments to the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, contributions from Wilfrid Greaves, Rob Huebert, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, Andreas Østhagen, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon, March 2022
- Engage Series: Debating Arctic Security: Selected Writings by Rob Huebert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, 2010-2021, by Rob Huebert and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, November 2021.
- Engage Series: On Thin Ice? Perspectives on Arctic Security, edited by Duncan Depledge and P. Whitney Lackenbauer, March 2021
- Special Report: Understanding the Future Arctic Security Environment: Applying NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis to Canadian Arctic Defence and Security, November 2020. [also available in high resolution (58MB) version]