Team Member

Aleksis Oreschnikoff
Research Fellow
Aleksis Oreschnikoff is a doctoral researcher and PhD candidate (Poli.Sci., IR) at the University of Helsinki, and a science-policy expert at the Finnish Academy for Science and Letters. He is a member of the board of directors of the Finnish Arctic Society and Nordic Ocean Watch Finland, and a member of the Svalbard Social Science Initiative. Aleksis also serves as an editor for Law & Geoeconomics. His PhD project titled “Beyond knowledge-building: Research infrastructure and Arctic (in)security” explores the relationship between Arctic scientific infrastructures and geopolitical considerations; how material objects, territory and threat perceptions intertwine and relate to Arctic security. Aleksis has a Master’s degree from the University of Helsinki (2020) and a Bachelor’s degree from UiT – the Arctic University of Norway (2017). He has previously served as a rapporteur for the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, and worked as a public sector consultant in Helsinki. He wrote his Master’s thesis on the EU’s Arctic actorness at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute as a student grantee, and was an active member of the Paris-based Groupe d’études géopolitiques. He has completed intern- and traineeships at the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, the Finnish Permanent Representation at the OECD in Paris, at Bellona’s office in St. Petersburg, and worked in support tasks at the Unit for Human Rights Policy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland in Helsinki.