Team Member

Charlotte Duval-Lantoine
Research Fellow
Charlotte is the Ottawa Operations Manager and a Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, as well as Triple Helix’s Executive Director and Gender Advisor. She is the author of The Ones We Let Down: Toxic Leadership Culture and Gender Integration in the Canadian Forces, 1989-1999<–the-products-9780228011262.php> (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022). This book, which looks into the toxic culture of leadership in the Canadian Armed Forces during the 1990s and its impact on gender integration, was named among The Hill Times’ Best Books of 2022. Her research interests include questions of military leadership, culture change, and personnel policy, topics on which she regularly comments in the media. For this work, Charlotte was recognized as a 2022 Women in Defence and Security Emerging Leader. She regularly participates in consultation organized by the Department of National Defence and has given talks to West Point and RMC cadets, to the National Strategic Program at the Canadian Forces College, and to the Australian War College. She is currently working on projects on civilian-military relations, the Somalia Affair, and organizational change in the Canadian military.