Team Member
Dr. Suzanne Lalonde
Network Coordinator
Dr. Suzanne Lalonde (Professor of International Law, Université de Montréal) is a specialist of the Law of the Sea, with an emphasis on the Arctic. She has appeared before parliamentary committees, advised the Government of Nunavut, taken part in Canadian Forces operations in the North, and regularly participates in the biannual meetings of the ASWG. She has been involved in various research projects analyzing the legal implications of an increasingly accessible Arctic region, identifying the most effective legal mechanisms – national, regional, and internation al – to adequately protect the Arctic marine environment and the critical role it plays in the life of Northerners. She will continue this ground-breaking work on the application of international and domestic laws related to Arctic security and safety issues, including how federal, territorial, and land claim jurisdictions may be applied, and will co-lead research efforts on opportunities for enhancing circumpolar partnerships.
- NAADSN Quick Impact: Framing Arctic Security: NAADSN Members’ Opening Comments to the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, contributions from Wilfrid Greaves, Rob Huebert, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, Andreas Østhagen, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon, March 2022
- Special Report: Understanding the Future Arctic Security Environment: Applying NATO Strategic Foresight Analysis to Canadian Arctic Defence and Security, November 2020. [also available in high resolution (58MB) version]
- Monograph Series: Canada and the Maritime Arctic: Boundaries, Shelves, and Waters, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon. xvii, 196 pp. Peterborough: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, March 2020.
- Engaged Series: Возможно ли растопить ледяной занавес? Россия, Канада и вопросы безопасности в меняющейся Арктике, под редакцией П. Уитни Лакенбауэра и Сюзанн Лалонд, Перевод на русский язык под редакцией Андрея Тодорова (May 2020) [Russian translation of Breaking the Ice Curtain? Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World, edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Suzanne Lalonde (Calgary: Canadian Global Affairs Institute, 2019)