Team Member

Jacob Gerard
Research Fellow
Jacob Gerard is currently an undergraduate student at Trent University. He is completing an Honours Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology (Co-Op) program with an Option in Circumpolar Studies. His love for Arctic research comes from two summers spent as a research assistant in Churchill, Manitoba studying migratory shorebirds. The Option in Circumpolar studies component of his degree has allowed him to study interdisciplinary Arctic studies that intersect the fields of Arctic policy & governance, Indigenous studies, security and environmental sciences. Being a circumpolar studies student allowed Jacob to obtain field experiences through the Trent University field research in geography field course based in Southcentral Alaska as well as the NAADSN Alaska-Yukon Defense and Security field course.
Jacob is also a member of the UArctic 2030 BANHER project, an interdisciplinary project with Students from Trent University and the Arctic University of Norway (UiT). The goal of the project is to connect like-minded students and conduct research on emerging topics in Arctic research. Most recently, he completed a project with classmates on the Blue Economies of Arctic Nation States and the implications for ocean-related economic growth while prioritizing sustainable development. This project includes field research in Iceland, Norway, Alaska and the Yukon at the Arctic Circle, Arctic Frontiers, and Arctic Encounters Conferences.
In the future, Jacob hopes to pursue graduate studies in interdisciplinary Arctic sciences focusing on community-based wildlife management in Arctic communities and Arctic environmental security research.