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Dr. Jean-François Savard


Jean-François Savard holds a Ph.D. in political science from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). Since 2006, he has been an associate professor at ENAP (École nationale d’administration publique, Université du Québec), where he teaches public policy design, implementation and analysis. He is also currently a PhD candidate at the University of Italian Switzerland. Since 2012, he has been a visiting professor at the Institut des Hautes Études en Administration Publique (IDHEAP) of the University of Lausanne, visiting professor at Senghor University (Alexandria, Egypt) and visiting professor at the École Nationale d’Administration et de Politiques Publiques in Port-au-Prince (Haiti).

His research work focuses on the concept of public policy coherence, on the use of official languages in the federal public administration, on Aboriginal policy issues and more specifically on issues related to federalism and multi-level governance. In addition to having spoken at numerous conferences in these areas, he is also the author of several publications in his fields of expertise.