Team Member

John Gilmour
John Gilmour retired from Canada’s federal government after a career of thirty-seven years, most recently serving in the counter-terrorism unit of one of Canada’s national security agencies. His expertise lies in strategic and policy advice in counter-terrorism (CT), counter-insurgency (COIN) and asymmetric warfare, and the geopolitical implications of terrorism threats and risk. Experience in managing CT capacity building assistance to partner countries or other recipients, and the assessment of government policy (domestic and international) on the conduct and delivery of national security mandates. Post retirement, he has been retained as an advisor /analyst within Canada’s national security agencies, and by private sector companies to provide specialized training both domestically and abroad. John currently serves as an instructor at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University (Ottawa) on subjects related to terrorism, counter-terrorism and intelligence. He has contributed to a number of peer-reviewed journals on the subject of national security and is called upon by national media to comment on issues related to national security. He serves as a Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, a Fellow with the North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, and as a Director for the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (Vancouver). John graduated with a BA from Carleton University (Ottawa) and a Masters and Ph.D from the Royal Military College of Canada’s War Studies Program (Kingston).