Team Member

Julie Clark
Research Fellow
Julie Clark is a Ph.D. Candidate in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs through Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU). Her research focuses on the governance of nuclear weapons and avenues for arms control and disarmament policies. Within her research, she examines explicitly the debate surrounding the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and NATO’s non-nuclear states. Julie was the 2021 Women in Defence and Security (WiDS)-CGAI fellow, one of the Women in International Security- Canada’s Emerging Thought Leaders for Gender and Security in 2020 and a 2023 NAADSN Emerging Leader at the ELN 4th Annual Summer Conference. Currently, she is also an Accessibility Consultant for three Department of National Defence-funded research projects, bringing expertise and personal experience as a member of the Hard-of-Hearing Community towards a more accessible environment in academia.
Julie was also a founding member of the board of experts for the Canadian Students Against Nuclear Weapons which aimed to create the next generation of anti-nuclear activists. Throughout her academic career, she has worked with various NGOs, creating local and provincial interest in the importance of providing opportunities for others. Julie graduated with a Master’s degree in History with a focus on Modern Korean History and North-East Asian Politics in 2015, and in 2016/7 she was an intern with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Geneva, Switzerland.