Team Member

Dr. Pauline Pic
Pauline Pic recently received her PhD Candidate from Laval University, in Quebec. She is the 2020 fellow of the social and human working group of the International Arctic Science committee. She holds a master’s in Geography from the Paris-Sorbonne University. Her research is supervised by Pr. Frédéric Lasserre (Laval University) and Pr. Stéphane Roussel (ENAP) and questions the definition of security in the Arctic region. She especially focuses on the spatial dynamics of security.
Policy Brief: Les ressources naturelles, par Frédéric Lasserre et Pauline Pic, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2021, décembre 2021
Policy Brief: Les ressources naturelles, par Frédéric Lasserre et Pauline Pic, Revue annuelle – L’année arctique 2020, décembre 2020