Team Member

Timothy Choi
Research Fellow
Timothy Choi holds a Ph.D. from the University of Calgary’s Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies. His dissertation was entitled, “Controlling the Northern Seas: The Influence of Exclusive Economic Zones on the Development of Norwegian, Danish, and Canadian Naval Forces.” It asks how the Danish, Norwegian, and Canadian maritime forces developed in response to the adoption and legitimization of the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone, and whether smaller forces have generalizable differences in such responses compared to larger ones. This has seen him sailing with Danish and Norwegian patrol vessels to gain deeper insights into the tactical level of peacetime naval activities.
He is a former Smith Richardson Predoctoral Fellow at Yale University’s International Security Studies, where he worked with Professor Paul Kennedy, and is also a Research Fellow at Dalhousie University’s Centre for the Study of Security and Development and a Fellow with the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. He serves on the editorial board of and is the photo editor at the Canadian Naval Review. He was also recently a consultant for the British American Security Information Council, during which he helped produce reports and ran workshops on undersea warfare in the South China Sea and the Arctic. He currently has in press book chapters on the Royal Canadian Navy’s Korean War experience, Canadian Coast Guard’s icebreakers, and Canada as a medium navy. His most recent publications include the following:
2022, “The Canadian Coast Guard: Enhancing Offshore Patrol Capability in a More Contested Commons.” Canadian Global Affairs Institute, Policy Perspectives, October 26.
2022, With Adam Lajeunesse. “Here There Be Dragons? Chinese Submarine Options in the Arctic.” Journal of Strategic Studies 45, no. 6-7: 1044-1070.
2021 “Danish Naval Evolution in the Arctic: Developments through the Unipolar Moment.” In Navies in Multipolar Worlds, edited by Paul Kennedy and Evan Wilson. London: Routledge.
2020 “Maritime Militarization in the Arctic: Identifying Civil-Military Dependencies.” In Arctic Yearbook 2020.
2020 “Editorial: Not for Sale: Trump, Greenland, and Danish Naval Diplomacy.” Canadian Naval Review 15, no. 3: 2-4.
- Quick Impacts: Assessing the US Navy’s Arctic Blueprint, by Adam Lajeunesse and Timothy Choi, January 2021
- Quick Impacts: Canada’s New Arctic Drone in Context, by Timothy Choi, January 2021
- Policy Primer: Some Design Considerations for Arctic-Capable Submarines, by Timothy Choi and Adam Lajeunesse, November 2020
- Quick Impacts: Are Chinese Submarines Coming to the Arctic? by Adam Lajeunesse and Timothy Choi, July 2020