Team Member
Dr. Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon
Dr. Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon is a distinguished Senior Fellow at the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History at the University of Toronto. She has over 30 years’ experience as a professor of International Relations, a widely published author, member of Canadian and international boards of directors, and frequent speaker on Arctic issues. Her expertise includes continental shelf issues, the law of the sea, Canadian foreign policy, human rights, and global governance. Dr. Riddell-Dixon is also a Professor Emerita in the Department of Political Science at Western University and a Senior Fellow at Massey College.
NAADSN Quick Impact: Framing Arctic Security: NAADSN Members’ Opening Comments to the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, contributions from Wilfrid Greaves, Rob Huebert, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, Andreas Østhagen, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon, March 2022
Monograph Series: Canada and the Maritime Arctic: Boundaries, Shelves, and Waters, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Suzanne Lalonde, and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon. xvii, 196 pp. Peterborough: North American and Arctic Defence and Security Network, March 2020.