Team Member

Ilayda Coruk
Ilayda Coruk is an MA in Public and International Affairs candidate at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA) at the University of Ottawa in Canada. Currently, she works as a Communications Officer for Health Canada on COVID-19 Task Force. Throughout her academic career, Ilayda has taken considerable interest in Canada’s Arctic, Environment Policy, and NATO. She developed a literature review on the Arctic, the EU and NATO for NAADSN and a policy brief on Canada’s Arctic Defence Policy for Professor Srdjan Vucetic. Her Major Research Paper is focused on Canadian entrepreneurship and policy innovation in the context of climate change policy with a specific focus on Carbon Tax. Ilayda received her BA Honours in Politics and Business Management from the Queen Mary University of London (UK) with a first-class degree. Her thesis, entitled “Are UK cannabis policies evidence-based,” is available on Ilayda has previously worked as a Graduate Research Assistant for Professors Micheal Williams and Rita Abrahamsen at GSPIA.
Annotated Bibliography: NATO, the EU and the Arctic Literature Review, by Ilayda Coruk, August 2020